Author Topic: The Office Cats  (Read 44086 times)

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #154 on: September 11, 2017, 17:26:56 PM »
I have some more photos to post, Paula. They are boring, but in focus! The camera is notorious for eating batteries and it started to warn me as I was experimenting with taking photos of the cats - who never co-operate with the slow shutter speed and fiddly button by the way. On my next shift I am going armed with loads of rechargeable batteries and the charger if necessary. If this does not work, I am getting rid of the camera.

At work we have a Canon IXUS 165 compact camera, which is lovely. I looked on the internet for a cheaper secondhand model for myself, but it is still too new and sells for around £130 or so. It also needs a special charger for the equally special slimline rechargeable battery. A little while ago, I saw a used Canon 20D SLR digital camera, in excellent condition for £79, but while I haggled over a trade-in (which they rejected) and hesitated, they sold it to someone else. I have not seen one since. Curses and double curses!

Some observations, or conclusions, over the last few weeks:

- Several members of staff are now feeding the cats chew sticks, sometimes on the same day. One of the residents, whom I gave a stick to feed to one of the cats, asked if she could have her own supply. This would not only create more of us feeding them, but this resident used it to tease the cat which I did not like at all. Hopefully, the idea will fade away.
- I noticed while in the managers' office recently that the cats, especially Tiggie, go from one member of staff to another in order to get treats - a bit like Six-Dinner Sid. To make matters worse, I caught the little monkeys the other day, having given them cat milk, going to other members of staff for seconds of ordinary milk.
- Care staff, who are used to doing far worse as part of their job, tell me about the cat's mess as if they expect me to clean it up. While they are telling me, they could be cleaning it up themselves. It is as if cats are little foreign, or alien, creatures to them, who cannot be touched. Having said this, I do not complain and would not want to do a carer's job (as much as I love our residents).
- Staff are divided over the use of a cat-lit tray, with some thinking it is just a good idea to limit the mess on the carpet. Others think it is not being used correctly, as the litter is in a polythene bag for ease of disposal, and should be loose in the tray so that it can be controlled with a little shovel and smaller bags. I do not have experience of them, so I do not know. Can anyone suggest the best way of using them?
- With the cats (probably cat singular) making an increasingly unhygienic mess, considering the health of our residents, it was semi-jokingly suggested they would have to go home with me (the cats, not the residents). The only thing is, when I returned to work I would have to take them with me, which would defeat the object. They would also need a large hard wipeable floor which I do not have. Thankfully, the manager is a cat lover, so the status quo should be maintained for the moment.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 17:50:53 PM by Cloveart »
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Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #153 on: September 11, 2017, 16:53:53 PM »
She is very pretty, I think that your assessment of a vet visit is correct, just because she is old doesn't mean that she doesn't deserve the best care, a little like your residents. ;D

We'll look forward to more photos. :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

I do like your animals at the bottom of your last post.
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #152 on: September 11, 2017, 16:20:40 PM »
Yes, she may get another veterinary look-over during the week, in my absence, as some feel that she has an infection and will need antibiotics. One of the problems with vets is that their bills are paid from the amenities budget, which covers activities/entertainments and is raised by donation, as well as bric-a-brac sales, raffles, sponsored walks, and all sorts. It pays for visiting entertainers, petting farms, art activities, sherry parties, and the such like, as well as food and bedding for the pets. It is funny, in a way, to think that the pets are amenities, funded by raffles and bric-a-brac sales etc, but the residents do love them. On numerous occasions, they will say that petting an animal has made their day. 

« Last Edit: September 11, 2017, 16:21:32 PM by Cloveart »
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #151 on: September 11, 2017, 14:36:21 PM »
a change in habit like that can indicate an infection although I know she is a good age and I do think we tend to know when they have had enough.  she does look small bless her do you have a regular vet who could give her a look over

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #150 on: September 10, 2017, 18:39:50 PM »
Thank you, Sue. I noticed after taking these that you have to half-press the shutter button and wait for a green box on the viewfinder. Then you fully press the button. I also had it set to portrait, which may not give the right aperture for a picture like this. The other pictures are even more out of focus than these, but I have got some of Tiggie.

I do not know if you can tell from the photo, but Kizzie is wasting away and is all head with a little tiny body. Looking into her face this morning, her eyes do not look right and are possibly a little cloudy. Stroking her now, I can clearly feel her bones through her fur (which still lovely and soft). During the past couple of weeks, staff have been saying that she has been weeing indoors, although I have not seen it myself. A cat-lit tray has been put down for her and she is using it for its intended purpose. Not long after I arrived this morning, a member of staff called me because she had just seen Kizzie leave little pile on the carpet. I picked it up in a tissue and flushed it down the toilet. A squirt of disinfectant cleaner, a dose of odour neutraliser and a spray of air freshener and it was all gone.

One member of staff said that she thought Kizzie was near the time, but not quite there yet. Some think that beside the kidney problem, she may have an infection. I will wait to see what happens in the week. I should add that Kizzie is eating and drinking like a goodun and still sits and waits by the door to be let in and out as usual.         
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #149 on: September 10, 2017, 15:34:51 PM »
  Oh well done Cloveart.  She's beautiful.  ;D

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #148 on: September 09, 2017, 21:18:12 PM »
The camera is new to me, so more to come as I get organised. It is an old GE A835 compact (only 8.0 megapixel), but at least it seems to work.
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Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #147 on: September 09, 2017, 21:14:54 PM »
Kizzie said she did not like so much attention being given to the trolley, so here she is in close up . . .

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Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #146 on: September 09, 2017, 21:09:39 PM »
Finally, Kizzie on the laundry trolley . . .

« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 21:10:33 PM by Cloveart »
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Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #145 on: August 31, 2017, 20:11:57 PM »
Me, I like a bit of Billy Shakespeare. One of my favourite quotes: “The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he really is very good, in spite of all the people who say he is very good.” ― Robert Graves 
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Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #144 on: August 31, 2017, 19:58:09 PM »
 :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:Well done!
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #143 on: August 31, 2017, 19:13:14 PM »
Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?  ;)
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Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #142 on: August 27, 2017, 00:56:35 AM »
Cloveart, Cloveart, where for art thou Cloveart.

Slight paraphrasing, but hey. ;)
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #141 on: August 14, 2017, 13:17:55 PM »
Knowing that the staff aren't all as fond of Kizzie and Tiggie as you are, I hope no-one is being mean to them when you're not around.  It was really good of you too to offer to get the additional cat food.  I can empathise with Tiggie - there are days when my joints feel welded together.  Bless her paws.   :hug:

All good here, apart from the seemingly relentless influx of "gifts" Barley insists on bringing.  This morning it was just the head of a mouse.  Dunno where the body was, but I can hazard a guess.....  :doh: :doh:

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #140 on: August 14, 2017, 13:14:51 PM »
Always nice to get updates on The Office Cats, and of course, yourself, Cloveart. ;D
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #139 on: August 11, 2017, 19:55:54 PM »
I am fine Sue, thank you for asking. Are you okay? Kizzie and Tiggie are their usual unfathomable selves.

I was finding that when I returned to work, Kizzie was recoiling from being stroked and either heading towards the coffee table or shrinking further back under the coffee table if she was there already. By my last day of the week, she was a bit friendlier, but not much. She also began to see my presence as meaning food, which was not the case originally.

Tiggie tends to be friendlier, because she is now having anti-inflammants, more (newer) staff/residents handle her and Kizzie is no longer around the office. Tiggie's joints seemed particularly stiff today, but perhaps she had not been given medication in the week. It was not particularly warm here today and that might make her joints stiffen. When we have sunshine, she likes to bathe in direct sunlight, maybe to ease her joints.

Today, Kizzie was hiding in the corners behind the comfy chairs which is a bit strange. She went mad for the cat milk this morning, as did Tiggie. I am hoping that if they do not finish the milk, during my shifts, someone else can give it to them. It definitely goes off after about four days. After I gave them the cat milk, another member of staff confessed to giving them ordinary milk earlier. Sometimes, you just cannot win.

When I was in the managers' office at lunchtime today, I noticed Tiggie going to them for treats. I bet she normally goes to them and then me, or vice versa, to get double the quantity. Little monkey!

The cats were a bit unsettled today because we had a visitor who brought in a little bichon frise puppy (which I want to abduct every time I see her) and the residents had music/tea party activities. Tomorrow should be quieter for the kitties.

The person that usually buys the cat food, because of her work pattern, thought she would have to buy more food and bring it in without working. This seemed too much hastle, so I said I would buy it this evening and take it in tomorrow, as I am working.  I bought 40 pouches of assorted Felix for £10, in Tesco, which seemed pretty good. The box is sitting in my car now, so I do not forget to take them in the morning.

I had no contact with the guinea pigs today, but probably will later.
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #138 on: August 11, 2017, 07:01:12 AM »
How are Kizzy and Tiggie, Cloveart?  And how are you?

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #137 on: August 04, 2017, 06:58:34 AM »
I expect they auditioned those children, Sue. Living in a bungalow is a sensible answer.

It is surprising, Paula, that some staff appear unable to tolerate the cats. All they have to do is ignore them. These people are perhaps unaware that they are not as popular themselves, as they may think.
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Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #136 on: August 03, 2017, 18:53:02 PM »
I wanted to watch it, but OH objected, so I'll watch it on catch up on Sunday when he is down the pub. :evillaugh:
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #135 on: August 03, 2017, 18:46:31 PM »
Saw that Old People prog, Cloveart.  I thought the little girl where the lady got her name wrong was lovely.  The look on her face was priceless.   :)  And the question:  What Happens to you when you get old?"  "You go and live in a bungalow....."   :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

Am really sorry that the member of staff was having a moan about the carpet incident.   :-:  I hope she doesnt behave like that with the residents. 

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #134 on: August 03, 2017, 17:34:08 PM »
We noticed! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

Lovely to get an update though. I am sorry that the Resident is so rough with Kizzie though.
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #133 on: August 02, 2017, 13:44:24 PM »
Yipes! It is August Already!
. . . and I've just noticed I did not post anything in this thread in July!

Kizzie still sits under the coffee table and has started to recoil from having her face tickled, which would have been unheard of when she was in the office in-tray. Sadie thinks this is due to her being rough handled by the resident to which she seems attracted, Miriam. My reaction was that Kizzie can go anywhere she likes, but perhaps she, at least, likes the consistency of being with someone who is there all the time - even if they are a bully. A recoiling kitty cannot deter a cat-aholic like me, so after a day or so back at work, Kizzie eventually gives in to the stroking, but does not return to the office. Because of Kizzie's lack of weight, Ella was/is feeding her with extra Sheba during the day, so the cat is now disappointed if my hand only delivers tickles instead of food.

Tiggie now spends a lot of time under the desk in the office, as she does not like jumping, due to her stiff joints, and would not attempt to get onto the desk. She also follows me around a bit like a little dog, just as Kizzie used to do in the good old days. Ideally, I would like both of them in the office, but they are from a different litter and avoid each other anyway, or on the units with the more gentle cat-loving residents. These are now my constant frustrations. It was so much easier when Kizzie was in the office and Tiggie roamed free.

Tiggie is much friendlier now and less likely to bite, to the extent that I was even able to brush her the other day, without her viciously attacking the brush. Kizzie always liked being brushed, so she was no trouble anyway.

Milk was a good way of introducing medication, so both cats now expect a daily saucerful. One member of staff complained that the cats had upset stomachs and were making a mess on the carpet, so perhaps they should be given less (or no!?) food. I cleaned up the mess, in less time than it took her to tell me, so why she did not do this herself is a mystery. Later, she told me that she hates cats (it is obvious), because her neighbours' moggies dig up new plants in the garden - which is an over-generalisation to me. Ella thinks the upset is more due to staff putting fresh food into dirty bowls and I am inclined to agree.

Anyway, I have bought cat milk, but left half unused in the fridge. When I return, days later, it has become sour. Sadie may be able to help with this, so I looked for more individual cartons in the supermarket, only to find they now appear to be concentrating on multi-packs. If the worst comes to the worst, I may just have to get a multi-pack. Kizzie is drinking a lot of water due to a combination of not being well and the heat.

I have been continuing to take the guinea pigs around the units and the little creatures are getting a bit more used to being handled. As they never bite, they are ideal for our elderly folk, most of whom love them.   

Did anyone watch Old People's Homes for Four-Year-Olds on Channel 4, last night? It is about an experiment to take young children into a retirement village. Animals are involved as the children and residents enjoy seeing ducklings hatch within the complex. Our residents love small children when they are bought into the home by staff or visitors. The programme was quite funny imo, especially when they showed the children sitting on one of the pensioner's lap, with others on the arms of the chair (he was a former headteacher), or when they indignantly corrected an old lady who got their names wrong, because she was hard of hearing. Part 2 of 2 is on tonight at 9:00pm. 
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Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #132 on: June 26, 2017, 18:39:42 PM »
It is funny you should mention Ozzie the guinea pig, as, just before I opened the email alert, I was reading an extract from Pete Way's biography on his time with Osbourne's band in the early eighties. They make some of the so-called madmen seem quite sane.
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Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #131 on: June 25, 2017, 23:42:48 PM »
Love the pic. The difference between my Granddaughters. The elder called her piggie Mr Piggles, the four (nearly) year old called hers Ozzie after Ozzie Osbourne.
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #130 on: June 25, 2017, 22:11:26 PM »

I am sure you are right, Paula. I'll give it a go.

Kizzie avoided the office, although I think she was tempted to enter once or twice. She seemed deterred by Tiggie's presence. The thing is, Tiggie only seems to have made herself at home, in the office, in Kizzie's absence. It is almost as if they have swapped personalities, with Tiggie running to see me and Kizzie heading for the coffee tables.  Irrespective of the shenanigans, I gave Kizzie plenty of Crispies and chewy sticks, to make her fat, and the same amount to Tiggie (to avoid arguments).

This afternoon, I took one of the guinea pigs around the units to the residents. Most like to see them. For the first time, I took him around in a cardboard box, lined with a towel (instead of taking him in just a towel). He did not seem to mind and became sleepy when stroked.   
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Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #129 on: June 25, 2017, 11:24:41 AM »
Maybe you could point out that it may reveal something and it would be far better to know if there was a treatable reason for her weight loss. :hug: :hug: :hug: Good luck.
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #128 on: June 25, 2017, 06:45:40 AM »
It seems a blood test may not be carried out because the vet thought it could reveal nothing. I keep trying to fatten Kizzie with treats, but I have to track her down as she persistently avoids the office. The disadvantages may be that she's avoiding the food in her bowl, and Tiggie is getting fatter while not being small in the first place. Both cats are drinking lots of milk, which is not supposed to be good for them. I must remember to get cat milk next time I am near the supermarket.

One of the guinea pigs escaped while I was trying to get him back from the run to his hutch. Despite spending most of his life in a hutch, he has a lightning turn of direction. He headed for the fence, but I caught him somehow. It was heart-stopping.

I noticed the little back invader cat in the car park. He is brave if nothing else.
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Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #127 on: June 24, 2017, 12:03:11 PM »
I am glad that Kizzie was back on  the laundry trolley. ;D
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #126 on: June 24, 2017, 06:59:32 AM »
^ Thank you. Nothing was said about the cost yesterday, although there was no one working to tell me about the medication situation. Kizzie doesn't seem herself and is still avoiding the office. She spent much of her time under a coffee table between the comfy chairs. The door was left open for fresh air. About mid-morning there was an almighty meeeooooow! noise and the managers rushed to see what had happened. When I arrived they were chasing Kizzie back down towards the office, while Tiggie was running up to join the kerfuffle. Apparently another cat had been foolish enough to come in through the open door, past where Kizzie was 'sleeping' under the table, behind a chair. It seems Kizzie had pounced on them on their way in, hence all the noise. I saw nothing of the other moggie, just the manager outside clapping her hands to chase it away. Kizzie still wanted to chase it, with her back arched and her hackles up, she was not happy. Even when not well, she hates other cats and goes into attack mode.

I gave Kizzie and Tiggie quite a few treats and chewy sticks, to fatten up the former. Later in the day, Kizzie was sleeping on top of the laundry trolley.
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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #125 on: June 22, 2017, 21:59:45 PM »
I am sorry that your little ladies are giving cause for concern and hope that medication will improve things for them both  :hug:

Offline Cloveart

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #124 on: June 22, 2017, 20:08:39 PM »
What a nightmare for you Cloveart. :hug: £70 is nothing compared to the pleasure that the cats give to the Residents, are Kizzy and Tiggy being given meds for the conditions?

Poor little old Ladies. :Luv:

I am not sure what medication Kizzie is to get. We might find out after the blood test. Tiggie has anti-inflammants, which seem to ease the discomfort.

:)  That's a very good age, Cloveart, and a lot of that will be thanks to your good care of them both. 

Sending snoozles for Kizzy and Tiggy both.

My sister used to have a little cat called Kizzy.  She had cerebellar hypoplasia, but she was a game little soul, bless her.

Kizzie/Kizzy is a great name for a cat, I think. I am sure both cats will appreciate the snoozles.
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #123 on: June 22, 2017, 10:58:04 AM »
 :)  That's a very good age, Cloveart, and a lot of that will be thanks to your good care of them both. 

Sending snoozles for Kizzy and Tiggy both.

My sister used to have a little cat called Kizzy.  She had cerebellar hypoplasia, but she was a game little soul, bless her.

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #122 on: June 22, 2017, 09:53:31 AM »
What a nightmare for you Cloveart. :hug: £70 is nothing compared to the pleasure that the cats give to the Residents, are Kizzy and Tiggy being given meds for the conditions?

Poor little old Ladies. :Luv:
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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #121 on: June 21, 2017, 09:21:25 AM »
The cats are 17 years old, Sue. A lot of people think Kizzie is a kitten because she is small. When I started working there, I thought they were about four. Tiggie now has a bit of a limp because of her sore joints, which makes her seem a bit older. The poor little things are beginning to struggle.  :scared:
« Last Edit: June 21, 2017, 09:21:58 AM by Cloveart »
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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #120 on: June 20, 2017, 19:38:00 PM »
Carers are a bit stoical, like nurses. I think they do care, but it is a defence mechanism they have built up over the years. It upsets me when a resident dies, but they cannot let it get to them. I have noticed that there are some staff, who like animals but they do not get close to the cats or the guinea pigs. Perhaps their own pets are enough. The other day, a member of staff appeared, when I seemed to be talking to myself, and I said, 'I am not going mad, I'm talking to the cats,' and he said, 'Don't worry about it, I love animals - I was brought up on a farm and I've got four dogs.' He added that he had to have pets for the welcome they give when he gets home.

Some staff don't actively dislike the animals, but they can completely ignore them, which is impossible for me. I have started taking the guinea pigs around to the residents. I began with the obvious animal lovers, but most are interested when I get onto the unit. Some even want to kiss them. One resident , who does not speak much, made a joke about them peeing on my shirt, which is exactly what one of the the little piggies did. It was not easy to wash off either. The problem with this is (a) the mess they can make and (b) the time it takes.

When visitors come in with pets, which is allowed at the manager's discretion, I cannot resist stroking them. I have looked after little dogs, in the office, while the owners visit their loved one. Some people think it is funny that I seem obsessed with animals and yet do not have my own pets, but I know it would not be fair to the animals. Perhaps, one day . . . In the meantime, I am willing Kizzie to live.
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #119 on: June 20, 2017, 17:47:25 PM »
Aw Cloveart.   :-: :-:

Bless you for worrying and caring about Kizzy and Tiggie.  If it's hyperthyroid or kidney problems, either would result inn significant wight loss, and that is very light for even a female cat to weigh.   How old are they both?  I think you have said previously but I misremember. 

£70 is very little compared to what those cats have given people over their lifetime, and it sounds to me like quite an uncaring attitude for people supposedly in the "caring" profession, but sadly nothing new.  I hope you can get some support for any medication the ladies need long term (I'm of course referring to your furry ladies, not the rough hooman kind).  :hug:

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #118 on: June 20, 2017, 16:26:26 PM »
More Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine
Both Kitties Have Now Seen the Vet

Note: the cat looks a bit like Kizzie

Sadie, the lady in the laundry told me she thought there was something wrong with Kizzie. After being away, she noticed the lack of weight and that Kizzie is not riding on the trolley anymore. At last, someone agreed with me that something is wrong with the little cat. Both of us were able to persuade Ella, who took Tiggie to the vet, that Kizzie needs to see him too. Did I mention that Tiggie was taken to the vet because she walks very stiffly with her bad joints? He prescribed anti-inflammants (is there such a word?) which she has mixed in with a saucer of milk. As she loves the milk, there is no problem giving her the drug and they do make a difference. First, she walks better and, second, she is much less irritable and bitey-scratchy. 

Anyway, Ella took Kizzie to the vet in a basket, which she hates, and the diagnosis was that she has: (i) either a thyroid or kidney problem, (ii) an irregular heart beat, (iii) weight loss from just over three pounds to just over two, and (iv) something I've forgotten. Kizzie also needs a blood test, which will cost an eye-watering seventy pounds. Already, some staff are complaining about the cost of the vet and saying that the cat is on her way out in any case. It remains to be seen if we (including me because I paid the money) are in trouble. My feeling is that I would rather be sacked/disciplined/blah blah woof woof than see the little cat suffer.

Additionally, Kizzie would walk off, when I called 'Kizzie, Kizzie,' as if she was being hoity-toity. This happened recently, when I was very keen that her food should not just be left in the bowl, but that she should be encouraged to come and eat. I called and called, but she just swanned out in to the garden, so I ran ahead of her and stood in front to tell her that her food was ready. She seemed to acknowledge what I was saying and turned to get her food. This led me to think that she was not being a little madam, but that she could not hear me. Ella thought there was a problem with Kizzie's ears, so I hope she mentioned it to the vet.

Kizzie has been spending a lot of time on the comfy armchairs with a resident who claims to be a cat lover. However, she is rough with the cat and some staff have told her not to be rough with Kizzie. Why Kizzie spends time with this person is a mystery, but I wondered if it is because she can no longer jump up onto the office desk. I am still not sure about this. Sadie thought I should make Kizzie stay in the office, but I have as much chance of this as flapping my arms and flying! Also, the manager told me the cats were for everybody, as if I was hogging them. I was not - they go wherever they want to go!

Tiggie spends much more time in the office, in Kizzie's absence, especially if there is anything going on in the forum or if I forget her saucer of milk (ie. medicine). She hates anything going on!

The vet suggested feeding Kizzie separately from Tiggie. I have tried this before and they are confused if their food bowls are not side-by-side. I tried again and it is very tricky, but I will keep working on little strategies. Another thing I have tried is feeding Kizzie on treats and chewy sticks. She only seems to want Felix Chrispies and the sticks, whereas Tiggie, who does not need feeding-up, will eat  anything. Note to self: must stock up on more Chrispies. The other day, Kizzie was drinking water and had about five saucers of milk in one go, which is ominous as drinking a lot would indicate kidney problems. I hope the naysayers are wrong; I don't want Kizzie to die.

Changing the subject dramatically, a couple of days ago, I saw the A Street Cat Named Bob film, which I understood was approved by James Bowen. I wa s disappointed as I did not recognise anything from the book, as so often happens with films, apart from the busker and the cat. The cast were good and the production qualities were high, but it seemed an opportunity lost to me. I do not know how it would have seemed if I had not read the book(s) first. Perhaps it needs its own thread . . .   

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #117 on: May 24, 2017, 15:00:23 PM »
Alf is big and clumsy. I am so glad that we now live in a flat as my heart was always in my mouth when he cavorted on the banisters! Of course, he will prolly find somewhere/some way to put my heart in my mouth.

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #116 on: May 22, 2017, 08:25:43 AM »
You're exactly right about their sense of dignity, Sue. We expect cats to be agile and nimble, but they can be little lummoxes.
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: The Office Cats
« Reply #115 on: May 22, 2017, 07:47:05 AM »
:evillaugh: :evillaugh:   I can picture that perfectly.  Cats have such a sense of dignity, don't they?

We were accompanied by F red yesterday, who had popped over for his brekfuss.  he was lounging on the coffee table in the sun (we have a memory foam shower mat on the table, as a comfy bed - doesn't everyone?)
  Anyway, he stretched, rolled too far and promptly fell off.  His face was a picture, and we were trying very hard not to laugh, and let him know we'd seen.   :shy: :shy: :evillaugh:
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 07:47:25 AM by Sue P (Paddysmum) »


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