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Cats not eating what I think they should

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Sam (Fussy_Furball):
Ooooh they are gorgeous and look very happy and healthy.  I'm sorry to hear about your medical condition, doesn't sound nice and I imagine it can be quite frustrating.  The one good thing with cats is they are very self sufficient (unlike dogs lol).  I assume they are indoor only cats or do they venture out?

papa cat:
I have added new pictures and information to my posts.

papa cat:
Even though I would prefer them to eat what I think they should I would rather throw away uneaten food that was there if they wanted it.

Perhaps I am now contradicting myself?

Attached is them hiding in my pantry

papa cat:
They always have plenty of dry food and water!.

Their names are Panda (black and white) and Nancy (Tabby)
And I love them to bits and they love and trust me😀

Brief update! I have insomnia, then normal sleep length, (also called non 24 hour sleep disorder. .....Look that up if you want!) and I often sleep in the daytime   :Crazy: Which is why I can’t feed them wet food regularly.
LOL I’ve just thought! They sleep and wake when they want and so do I. !!! ha ha!

Picture of them eating

Sam (Fussy_Furball):
it certainly sounds like you've got it under control.  As long as your furbabies have dry food and water they will not starve ;)

What are their names? 


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