last night my sister found a little dog sat in the middle of the road

wet and frightened , it was about 11pm
well she took it home fed it and it slept there
today she has knocked on all doors on street to find no home for the poor thing
i took it to the vets to check for chip but there is none , its about 2 he ses . a little rough coated terrier , i have got it now as although i have 2 children , my sis has a baby and a dog
the vet was going to send it to the dog home were he ses its not good they only keep them for a wk and then put to sleep
i have had it a day and its so sweet , it ant bothered a bit about the cats , its a bit nerviouse, i am wathcing the girls like a hawk
i am going to put posters up where it was found but think if its not claimed its a keeper

i had a terrier from rescue before i had the girls , it didnt like children and died from cancer tumers 5 yrs after i got it and i said never again was i going to have a dog but this little one is soo sweet
she has got large nipplles and a big vulva so i am worried she may be pregnant , the vet said its a possibility but she may be in season as although shes solid shes not got a tummy ! so how would i tell then ?
iv got her a bed to make her feel she has a space and mango has turfed her out of it

mangos the same size as her
i will have to give her a name while we have her
any suggestions - shes scruffy looking ( i have bathed her )