Hi Hunnies
The 2009 2010 calendar is up in the shop for pre orders now. Click here
The calendar selling cost £15.40 is made up of the follwoing for each calendar.
Printing 4.17
Postage 2.51
Packing .33
Paypal ch .79
Donation to needy cats 7.60
Once all the pages are up for viewing (all up by the weekend) and all corrections done, It will go off for printing next week hopefully and deliveries will go out as soon as they come in from the printers
Now for the big Announcement
As you know we have two extra fundraisers in a year (the auction and the printed project ) that are for our independent rescues. The rescues are chosen to receive funds from these two fundraisers by rotation. The next Independent rescue in our fund list for funds is .......................Ron at Lost Cats Brighton.
All the funds made from The 2009 2010 calendar sales will go to help wonderful Ron and his needy cats. Please help us support Ron and the cats in his care by ordering our calendar. Lets give him and the cats a nice pressie for Xmas

I want to also say thanks so very much to everyone who sent in pics of your furkids for the calendar. Without you lot, the calendar would not be and enable us to help out our wonderful cat rescues.
